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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Wood Versus Steel Deck Framing

The "wood versus steel" argument is a hot one. On one hand, lumber has been the traditional deck framing material of choice for decades-largely selected for its familiarity and low upfront cost. But over the last few years, the cost of the building material has fluctuated and the poor quality and inconsistency of today's pressure treated lumber has become impossible to ignore. For these reasons and more, many contractors are putting alternative framing materials like steel to the test.

Steel is strong and durable, and today's engineered steel joints can span impressive lengths between supports. Plus, a comprehensive steel deck framing system like Evolution from Fortress Building Products is backed by a 25-year warranty-something that a wood frame can't come close to matching. A strong manufacturer warranty reminds contractors that a steel deck frame offers proven performance and can sidestep common issues that plague traditional wood frame decks, such as deterioration after long-term exposure to moisture and warping as a result of extreme changes in temperature. 

Construction worker using a cordless drill to secure steel joints on a deck frame.Close-up view of a construction worker assembling steel deck framing.

So, we know who is coming out on top of the “steel frame versus wood frame” argument. But don’t just take our word for it. We sat down for a conversation with Michael Scott, a Fortress® Alliance Member and the seasoned owner of Simcoe Decks out of Ontario, Canada. Scott made the switch from wood to steel years ago and hasn’t looked back.

Q: First off, why did you ultimately decide to make the switch from wood to steel framing?

A: Like many deck builders, we started off building with wood framing. We honed our skills over the years and got comfortable with the material. That said, we’ve always been quality-driven— it has never been about the bottom dollar or about getting in and out of a project the quickest. We want to give our clients a quality product that’s going to last forever, which is why we started building with steel.

Q: Why is a steel deck frame better for your clients than framing with wood?

A: There are two things that stick out for me when framing with steel. The first one is the large spans. A lot of the decks we are commissioned for are second-story decks that have walkout basements. So, opening up those spans underneath is an excellent way to provide more usable spaces for our clients. Steel allows us to design decks that do not have as many posts in the way.*

*For reference, Fortress Building Products offers engineered steel beams that can achieve longer spans between supports, which eliminates excessive posts and obstructed views. 

Q: Can you speak about the steel deck frame installation process?

When we first considered working with steel framing, we wanted to make sure that it was a smooth transition for us and the best solution for our client. Initially, we framed with a couple of other companies and found the learning curve to be steeper. But once we switched over to the Evolution steel deck framing system, it was just a no-brainer. Framing with steel has similarities to framing with wood and now that we’ve worked with the material for a long time, we can frame quicker with Evolution than we can with traditional wood framing.

Q: What is the best compliment you’ve ever received about a steel deck frame project?

A: We typically clad all our framing, like the beams and the posts, just to give it a more finished look. But recently, one of our clients came back to us and said they didn’t want to clad it. They just wanted to leave the exposed steel look.

Ready to make the shift from wood to steel? Now through September 2024, Fortress Preferred Program members can receive up to $5,000 (retail value) of product to take steel deck framing for a Fortress Test Drive™. Find out how it works.

Not a Preferred Member yet? No sweat. Email us at to learn more.

Wide-angle shot of completed steel deck framing.Steel deck framing joints with multiple bolt connections.


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